HV accessories for XLPE cables

  • Pry-Mould series

    Pry-Mould accessories are based on pre-moulded electrical components, i.e. stress cones for terminations and one-piece sleeves for joints. Pre-moulded sleeves and stress cones are currently available for HV polymeric cables from 72.5 kV up to 525 kV and adopt the same design at all voltage classes.


    The CLICK-FIT® plug-in concept is a unique system designed to connect high and extra-high-voltage extruded power cables for 72 kV up to 420 kV. Important features are high reliability combined with fast, easy and man-independent installation techniques that lead to a reduction in project realization time and cost. Following the principle of the CLICK-FIT® concept, the ends of the cables are prepared and provided with plugs. The uniform plug design enables the installation of joints and terminations simply by plugging-in…